Let's face it. This is a hard time as a family right now! We are months into this pandemic and our cute color code schedules are beginning to fray..
There's more time on our hands. Yet it doesn't feel like it. Chaos is a daily battle.
It's hard to go out. We are unsure how to do church right now as a family. The days are bleeding together.
And let's admit it.
The same old family advice just isn’t working.
We need better tools. We need better strategies. And that's what this challenge is for!
We will walk you through the process to becoming a stronger family team immediately!
Each day you will get an email directly in your inbox full of a short teaching, unpacking the challenge, and tools to go forward (as well as access to a private Facebook group of 18,000 other families as we workshop this together!).
Many of you have told us that you know there is something a little off in your family, even when you’re doing well and healthy. You feel like there should be more.
And guess what?
There is.
And here’s your chance to find out what that is and how to get it.
Join us (Team Bethke and Team Pryor!), for an easy, practical 5-day challenge that'll immediately put your family on the path of becoming a team.
We have spent years training and teaching parents how to activate and live into the most key ingredient for family success - living as a team.
This is the secret to thriving in the midst of the chaos and we're about to show you how day by day and help walk you out of just surviving, and into thriving.
And the best part?
It’s free. We want to serve y'all and be a catalyst for continuing into 2020 with a flourishing family and marriage that’s deeper, more rooted, and full of more joy!
So sign up below to claim your spot, and we will deliver insights straight to your inbox every day during the five days, as well as a challenge and practical tip to apply it by the end of the day!

You can do this. We are here to help.
Every year we help thousands of families go from chaos and drowning, to flourishing and powerful family teams. We do this through very specific, practical, and actionable systems that we want to completely give you for free in this Covid-19 season.
We feel it's our responsibility and obligation to set you up for success and help as many families as we can right now.
And so that's what we are doing.
5 days. An entire system. Turn your family around starting today. We believe in you and know this hardship can actually be the moment you look back on years from now and say, 'that was it. That was when our family changed gears and took a turn for the better.'
Let's do this!